Corporate Sustainability

We seek internal and external perspectives to identify and help us better understand the risks and opportunities associated with new and emerging issues. The issues identified are evaluated for their relevance to PPPL and their impact on economic, environmental and social aspects. This exercise is performed annually to ensure its relevance to the changing business environment, and the disclosure through reports is aimed at our stakeholders like investors, customers, employees, JV partners, business partners and the community. We have worked with key stakeholders and focused our efforts towards our strategic pillars for sustainable development: energy management, environment, product stewardship, occupational health and safety, and social institution building.

The 3 Pillars of Corporate Sustainability:

  • The Environmental Pillar
  • The Social Pillar
  • The Economic Pillar
  • These three pillars are informally referred to as people, planet and profits. At Purusharthy Projects we take care of all three pillers.

    We care the people

    We care the economically poor peoples by giving then solar system for FREE.

    We care the youth

    We gives award in school to children who perform better then other every year.

    We care the nation

    We organise tree plantation camp every year for contribute in green environment.